This term’s studies will be in the book of Hebrews, which will be the basis of our Spring evening services Do you think we sometimes make our faith a bit too complicated? Too many add-ons, too many ‘Jesus plus….?’ Or does it ever feel like we’re working and working for Jesus but just getting nowhere? Are we ever tempted to quietly drop out of the faith race and record a weary and disillusioned ‘Did not Finish’? Some of the earliest followers of Jesus knew what all that felt like, and in this powerful letter got a rousing, inspiring, loving, Jesus-centred encouragement to keep going. And we can get it too! SLOBS will operate as usual a week in advance of the studies except on 7th February when, because of the Joint Churches Prayer Night on 24th January, it will be on the Sunday immediately before HGs.
If you are leading the study time, you will find it helpful to come along to the Study Leaders Own Bible Study which takes place during the evening service a few days ahead of the study itself. Check the
programme card or
house group news for more detail. The current notes are available by clicking on the links below:
22 April2 May16 May6 June20 June
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