Monday, September 8, 2008



The Care Team is responsible for coordinating the pastoral care at Belmont. Most of the day-to-day pastoral care takes place through our network of home groups, but there are time when we all need a little extra support and that's where the Care Team can help out. Our aim is to extend God's love to people in ways that will help them grow as Christians.

We regularly run “The Marriage Course”. Privacy as a couple is always respected. There is NO GROUP DISCUSSION and no requirement to disclose anything about your relationship to anyone else. Further details of the course can be obtained from and information about the courses being offered by Belmont Chapel is available by emailing Mike and Sue Cox (our marriage support coordinators) at with your contact details.
The next course starts in early January 2010.
Mike and Sue also have a leaflet listing appropriate organisations to contact for specialist marital help. This can be made available in complete confidence.

Contact: To find out more about pastoral care at Belmont Chapel, please contact Karol Chew in the Office on 01392 258029 or email

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